MadTown Fechtschul 2024

August 30th & 31st

Event Schedule

Day One: Friday

Location: Goodman Community Center, 214 Waubesa St, Madison, WI 53704

1000     Workshop: Meyer’s 1st Drill (including a warm-up with Chris, assisted by Ben, Justin, and John)
1100      Workshop: Rappier Fechtschul with Adam Franti (assisted by Chris)
1330      Lunch* (onsite at Goodman Center Gym)
1430      Workshop: Control, Confidence & Measure with Chris
1530      Event: Fechtschul (geared), ruled and evaluated with Chris and Adam 
Location: Living Meyer Historical Fencing School, 2434 E Johnson St, Madison, WI 53704
Presentation by Kendra Brown
Presentation by Michael Chidester 
After Party (with discussions and freeplay)

Day Two: Saturday

Location: Goodman Community Center, 214 Waubesa St, Madison, WI 53704

1000     Event (closed): Fechter Evaluations (by invitation only)
1000     Workshop: Meyer Dagger Craft with Cam
1300     Lunch*, onsite at Gym
1430     Workshop: Warming up your OODA by Calibrating your Control with Ben, John, Justin, and Stone
1515     Workshop: Skill Triage and evaluating fencer types with Chris and Victor
1545     Event: More ruled and evaluated Fechtschul (geared) with Chris and Adam 
Location: Living Meyer Historical Fencing School, 2434 E Johnson St, Madison, WI 53704
Presentation: Q & A Meyer’s Life and Works with Dr. Garber, Chris, Michael
Dry Fechtschul Dinner* and After Party (with discussions and freeplay)


*Please note that the full ticket price of $200 covers all meals, while the $150 ticket price does not. There are several food options in the area near both locations.


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