
Dempffen [dɛmpfən] lit. “Repelling” or “to repress” or impede, to subdue, and “Suppress/ Suppressing”. What a great fencing term. In Meyer’s 16th century system of fence, Dempffen/ Dempffhau is a vertically descending Oberhau. This cut, a Nehmer is executed as a counter-cut with the Longedge. It ‘repels’ your opponent’s incoming blade towards the ground. See […]


Schutzhalter​ ​ [ʃʊt͡s ˈhaltɐ] schutz​ (lit. shoot, 1836, p421)) halter​ (lit. “​to look after, or keep​” (Dasypodius 1535, 99v2), ‘​keep’​, as in housekeeper (Golius, 1579, 211) The term ​Schutzhalter​ was often used liken to“​schirmer/ ”​ (guardian) as seen throughout Fortunatus Hueber’s (1686) history of the Franciscans, “Dreyfache von Orden S. Francisci​”. For Historical Fencing researchers, […]


Pritsch​/ prɪtʃ (lit. Board) was the name of the miniaturized ​brotschießel​ like rod with one end being thin and flat serving as its ‘striking’ surface, described further as ‘…often preposterously large of leather or of split clacking wood and sometimes gilded…’ (Freytag, 1863, p1​52​). The ​Pritsch​ was held and employed by the master of ceremonies […]


angreiffen [anˈɡʁaɪ̯fn̩]   “Initial Attack”.  lit. to tempt/ to attack (Dasypodius, 1535, 144r1 and 218r1), or a seizing action. As a fencing term, Master Meyer often used it with the meaning of one’s a first attack, an inciting action seeking the opponent’s reaction, while seizing the Vor.